Saturday, June 16, 2012

Ready. Ready? ...Ready

Wow, something like 9 days until I leave.  It's going to be a crazy 9 days.  I went to Houston this week and received my Chinese visa.  Let me tell one reason why I think I'll be ok when I go to China.  The Chinese Consulate is not that different than an American DMV!  You go in, you wait in a long line filled with unhappy people, too few people work there so it takes waaaaaay too much time, and when you do get to the window, you are helped by someone who obviously hates their job.  America and China....  Not that different?  I jest of course, but it's comforting to know that when I get homesick I can just go wait in line at the visa office,

I got back from Houston and made a list of things that I need to get done before I leave.  It is ENDLESS.  I'll never be ready to go, but whatever.  Those of you who know me know that I go into most things unprepared anyways.  It's more fun that way.  Money though... Money you cannot do without, so I made sure to pick up my Chinese currency at the bank, pictured above.  It looks like a ton of money right?  I'M RICH!!!  Not quite....  I have about $511 American dollars worth of Yuan.  No worries though, I look rich and, like I've always been told...  Appearances are what are most important in life.  (What's that mom?  I've got that backwards?  Damnet.)

So in the next 9 days I have to find a charger for my iPad keyboard, buy literally an entirely new wardrobe, pack as much of my life as possible into 2 bags, spend as much time as possible with my parents, say goodbye to friends, try to explain to my dog why I won't be around for a while, figure out how I am going to get from the airport to Michael's Beijing apartment when I don't speak or read the language, watch Tiger win the US Open, and, most difficult of all, try to fall asleep at night when my heart and mind are racing with thoughts of China.  I bet my time left in America flies by.

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